Possession, Consumption and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

Updated: March 31, 2020
Possession, Consumption and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Governance and Administration
Governance - General

Approved as interim August 28, 2019; Revised and posted as permanent March 31, 2020; revised January 2022.


Office of the Chief of Staff (252) 328-9094

Additional References:

1. Introduction

Within the defined jurisdiction of the University Alcohol Policy (the “Policy”), the Possession, Consumption, and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages are prohibited: (a) for all persons under the age of 21; (b) in areas of classrooms being used for instructional purposes; and (c) in all other buildings, facilities, and grounds of the University except as permitted by the Policy or this Regulation.

Alcoholic beverages are defined as spirituous liquor, mixed beverages, malt beverages, and fortified and unfortified wines.

The following provisions apply to the various indicated facilities associated with ECU.

2. ECU Athletic Facilities

  • 2.1. As permitted by G.S. § 18B-1006(10), the ECU Board of Trustees approved the issuance of permits for the sale of alcoholic beverages at the following ECU Athletics Facilities, subject to regulations adopted by the Chancellor:
    • 2.1.1. Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium,
    • 2.1.2. Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum,
    • 2.1.3. Clark-LeClair Stadium,
    • 2.1.4. Joyner Family Softball Stadium, and
    • 2.1.5. Johnson Stadium
  • 2.2. As stated in G.S. § 18B-1006(10), “Notwithstanding the issuance of a mixed beverages permit pursuant to G.S 18B-1001(10), this subdivision does not authorize the sale of mixed beverages when the stadium, athletic facility, or arena is being used for a sports event sponsored by the public college or university.” (excluding facilities in provision 2.6 of this regulation).
  • 2.3. ECU, its contracted vendors, businesses that contract for use of the facilities from ECU, and ECU’s Associated Entities, as recognized by ECU pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section § 116-20.30, may seek such permits from the appropriate authorities and, if such permits are granted, may sell alcoholic beverages within the premises of the designated ECU Athletic Facilities, including any area that is within 500 feet of the furthest exterior building wall, perimeter fence, or permanent fixed perimeter as designated in the application for such permits. Persons at least 21 years of age possessing a government-issued identification document as proof of his or her age, such as a driver’s license, are permitted to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in the Athletics Facilities sold to them in accordance with this Regulation.
  • 2.4. The ECU Athletic Director must annually submit an Alcohol Sales Management Plan to the Chancellor.
    • 2.4.1. The plan must be developed in collaboration with all contracted concessionaire vendors, ECU Police Department, Environmental Health & Safety, the Faculty Athletics Representative, the Office of University Counsel, and any contracted security firm.
    • 2.4.2. The plan must address controls to mitigate risks, including, but not limited to, the following:
      • Appropriate Training. No one may sell or serve alcoholic beverages unless they hold a current, active and valid certification in an approved alcoholic beverage service training program from (a) TEAM (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management) training sponsored by the TEAM Coalition (“TEAM”), or (b) Responsible Alcohol Sales Education (RASE). This training will be conducted by Pitt County ABC and/or North Carolina ALE.
      • In these trainings, staff will be instructed in accordance with the state certified course, which includes how to identify signs of impairment, potential for liability, and how to intervene when necessary. In addition, trained staff members will work with event management to develop a customized Facility Alcohol Management (FAM) plan.
      • A defined per transaction serving limit in accordance with state law.
      • Protocols to deny service to minors or visibly intoxicated individuals.
      • Increased customer service and security presence in parking lots immediately before and after games.
      • Security standards and staffing, which may include security cameras to monitor the program activities.
      • Ensuring supervisors enforce policies via staff dedicated to monitoring compliance.
      • Implementation of multiple layers of identification, including, but not limited to wristbands.
      • Enhanced gate screening to prevent entry of alcohol.
      • Use of existing first-aid stations.
      • Communication protocols for fans to share concerns about alcohol sales.
      • Promotion of responsible drinking, ride sharing, and designated drivers.
  • 2.5. Tailgating
    • 2.5.1. Persons at least 21 years of age (sometimes referred to as “of legal age”) possessing a government-issued identification document as proof of age, such as a driver’s license, are permitted to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in the Athletics-managed Facilities parking areas in connection with tailgating at events being held in the Athletics Facilities, or on such other occasions as permitted by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee, during times and at locations within the Athletics Facilities parking area specified by the University.
    • 2.5.2. Alcoholic beverages may be possessed and consumed by persons at least 21 years of age within the following Pirate Club tailgating lots during a period beginning no earlier than six (6) hours immediately before and ending no later than two (2) hours immediately following the official conclusion of the related athletic event:
      • Stratford Arms Lot
      • Williams Jungle Lot
      • Aman Family Lot
      • Carol Belk Lot
      • Elmhurst School Lot
      • Shreve Silver Lot
      • Wilkinson Gold Lot
      • Blue Lot
      • Gray Lot
      • Burt Family Premium Lot
      • Fieldside Lot
      • Lower Minges Lot
      • College Hill Lot
    • 2.5.3. The time and access restrictions listed in 2.5.2 do not include those with valid Recreational Vehicle (RV) parking passes.
  • 2.6. Pirate Club Sponsored Events
    • 2.6.1. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the areas specified below may occur only in connection with and through service of alcoholic beverages by one or more professional bartender(s) secured by the Pirate Club or the ECU Alumni Association for that purpose, in compliance with a duly issued permit or license from a State or local agency with jurisdiction over such service under applicable provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
      • TowneBank Tower (excluding Suites and Loge Boxes)
      • Pete & Lynn Murphy Center
      • Williams – Clark Club Level
  • 2.7. Disciplinary Action
    • 2.7.1. No alcoholic beverage may be taken inside the Athletics Facilities except as served and restricted by an Associated Entity of ECU that has applied for and obtained permission to serve alcoholic beverages in compliance with ECU policy and applicable law, regulations, and ordinances.
    • 2.7.2. Persons found in possession of alcoholic beverages within the Athletics Facilities, except as otherwise permitted by the Policy or as designated herein, will forfeit their game or event ticket(s) with no right of refund and be expelled from the game or event and may be permanently banned from all or any part of the University, including the Athletics Facilities, for violation(s) of the Policy, including but not limited to this Regulation.
    • 2.7.3. Disciplinary actions taken against University students and employees for violations shall be in accordance with applicable University policies, such as the ECU Student Code of Conduct (for students only).
  • 2.8. The Director of Athletics may permit possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages at occasions unrelated to any athletic event, tailgating, or any other event being held in the Athletics Facilities if the service of such beverages is pursuant to an applicable license issued by the State Board of Alcoholic Control, under pertinent provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina.

3. Other Approved Areas

  • 3.1. The provisions below designate the Other Approved Areas where the Chancellor has approved the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as defined by the Policy.
  • 3.2. Wherever alcoholic beverages are possessed or consumed:
    • 3.2.1. The persons possessing and/or serving the alcohol must ensure adequate safeguards are in place for compliance with federal, state, and municipal ordinances and laws and all University Policies;
    • 3.2.2. For University or University Associated Entity (e.g., foundation) sponsored events or activities, alcoholic beverages must be distributed by a bartender through the University contracted catering services or through a University-approved bartender;
    • 3.2.3. Approval for the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages must be obtained in advance and to the extent specified in the Policy; and
    • 3.2.4. The designation of an Other Approved Area notwithstanding, alcoholic beverages will not be made available, possessed, or consumed within areas designated for use by the University as “Alcohol Free” (such as at alcohol free student events sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs).
  • 3.3. New requests to add a location to the list of Other Approved Areas are to be submitted to the Chancellor’s Chief of Staff.
  • 3.4. Alcoholic beverages may be possessed and consumed if served by professional bartenders, as referenced above, at University-approved special events held by the University or University Associated Entities at the following locations
    • 3.4.1. East Campus Locations
      • Spilman Building (Lobby and conference rooms only)
      • Croatan (Green Room only)
      • Whichard Building (Lobby only)
      • Joyner Library (Lobby of Faulkner Gallery)
      • Howell Science Building (Lobby only)
      • Brewster Building (Lobby only)
      • Rivers Building (Lobby, Rivers 160 – Darden Dining Room/kitchen, Rivers 151 – Golden Corral Culinary Lab)
      • Jenkins Fine Art Center (Lobby and Gray Gallery only)
      • Science and Technology (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor lobbies)
      • Rawl Annex (Faculty Senate office only)
      • Willis Building (multipurpose room and lobby only)
      • ECU Mall (at formally approved ECU Alumni Association events only)
      • Greenville Centre (Room 1200)
      • Ballard West (The Sounds/Belk Plaza)
      • Wright Auditorium (Lobby)
      • Main Campus Student Center (all non-public areas as well as Student Center Art Galleries and 3rd Floor Outdoor Deck)
      • Life Sciences & Biotechnology Building (4th floor balcony)
      • Isley Innovation Hub (Main space 160, conference room 165, classroom 167)
    • 3.4.2. West Campus Locations
      • Brody School of Medicine (2 West rooms only)
      • Brody School of Medicine-Commons
      • Ross Hall (2nd Floor Rotunda and Conference room 3001; rooms 4001 and 4100)
      • East Carolina Heart Institute (Lobby, Conference Rooms A-D only)
      • Family Medicine Building (conference room)
      • Health Sciences Campus Student Center (all non-public areas as well as 2nd Floor Student Center Art Gallery and the 3rd Floor Beacon Lounge)
      • Health Sciences Building
        • College of Nursing (Lobby; Room 4300)
        • Laupus Library (2nd floor Donor Wall/Reference Floor; 4th floor-Gallery)
        • College of Allied Health (Lobby and Conference Room 4415)
    • 3.4.3. Other
      • Chancellor’s Residence
      • Instructional classrooms where the subject matter of the curriculum of a course listed in a University Catalog is related to alcoholic beverages (e.g., zymology, viticulture and/or oenology, food and beverage science, nutrition, etc.); provided, however, the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a classroom setting must be approved in advance in writing by the Dean or Director of the academic unit, as applicable, and must comport to the highest industry standards of instructional practice (e.g., the use of spittoons for wine tasting, etc.).
      • Coastal Studies Institute, Wanchese, NC (Lobby and Conference Room(s) only)