East Carolina University Employee Code of Conduct

Updated: July 14, 2022
East Carolina University Employee Code of Conduct
Governance and Administration
Governance - General
Board of Trustees

Approved by Board of Trustees July 14, 2022.


Chief of Staff: (252) 328-9094

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Purpose
    This Policy is designed to facilitate East Carolina University’s mission of teaching, research, and public service by articulating basic expectations for employee conduct. In that spirit, this Code of Conduct is a statement of the University’s expectations that its employees will execute their duties in an ethical, legal, and professional manner. It does not displace or override existing specific policies, rules and regulations pertaining to employee expectations, conduct, evaluation or discipline.

    This Code of Conduct will guide the decision-making, behavior and performance of all employees acting on behalf of East Carolina University (“ECU” or “University”). This Code of Conduct applies to all employees at every level of the University, including senior leadership, faculty, and staff; full-time or part-time; student and temporary employees. The Code of Conduct cannot cover every situation in the daily conduct of the University’s many varied activities nor can it substitute for professional judgment, personal integrity or common sense. However, it is the duty of each employee of the University to adhere to the expectations set forth herein. Transparency, integrity, accountability, and civility, are hallmarks of our institution.

    Employees shall consider the “appearance” test in their University-related decisions and conduct. This means considering how the situation would be perceived by a reasonable external constituent if it were open to public inspection.

    The diverse ideas and opinions of members of the University community will sometimes conflict and this Code of Conduct is not intended to govern employees’ personal beliefs, values, and behaviors. When acting solely in their capacities as private citizens, employees will refrain from representing that they are acting or speaking on behalf of the University.
  • 1.2. Vendors, Contractors, and Volunteers
    Employees who are responsible for purchasing, contracting, hiring, or supervision of external parties shall ensure, to the extent of their ability to do so, that vendors, contractors, and volunteers with whom the employee interacts conduct University-related business ethically. To the extent that it is consistent with applicable law, the University will not do business with or seek the services of those people or entities that do not adhere to the expectations set forth in this Code of Conduct.
  • 1.3. Violations
    Violations of this Code of Conduct or other University policies, rules, and regulations will result in an appropriate level of disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, as described in applicable policies, rules, and regulations of the University and federal and state law.

2. Expectations

  • 2.1. Employees shall act ethically and professionally in conducting University duties.
    All employees of the University shall conduct all University activities ethically and in a manner that upholds ECU’s commitment to honesty and compliance with applicable laws and policies. Some University employees are also governed by ethical codes or standards of their professions or disciplines. Some examples are attorneys, auditors, accountants, ombuds, physicians, nurses, social workers, therapists, and counseling staff. Those employees are expected to comply with applicable professional standards in addition to applicable statutes, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • 2.2. Employees shall comply with all applicable laws, University Policies, Rules and Regulations, external authorities, and reasonable directives from superiors.
    Members of the University community are expected to become familiar with and comply with the statutes, regulations, and University policies and procedures bearing on their areas of responsibility.

    University employees who are convicted of a criminal offense (other than a minor traffic violation), must report any conviction to their immediate supervisor within five (5) calendar days of the conviction. The immediate supervisor shall make required notifications, such as to Human Resources (HR), as prescribed in applicable University policies and regulations.
  • 2.3. Employees shall demonstrate proper regard for the health and safety of everyone associated with the University community.
    Each employee shall collaborate to the best of their ability to ensure a learning environment, workplace and work practices that conform to applicable laws and regulations regarding health and safety and environmental protection. Employees shall fulfill any applicable reporting obligations regarding health and safety.
  • 2.4. Employees shall uphold their responsibilities related to Information Security.
    Employees shall adhere to the University’s policies, regulations, and accepted practices for safeguarding University data. Employees shall report information systems and data-related security or privacy incidents and issues promptly to their supervisor or other appropriate authority.
  • 2.5. Employees shall uphold the standards of academic integrity and quality related to education and research.
    All employees must undertake their academic activities with honesty and integrity. Employees must also, to the best of their abilities, protect the safety and privacy of research subjects and uphold ethical standards related to research.
  • 2.6. Employees shall disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest.
    Each employee has a duty to adhere to applicable ECU and UNC system policies and regulations regarding conflicts of interest or commitment, secondary employment, and external professional activities for pay. Each employee must report, consistent with those policies and regulations, actual or perceived conflicts that have the potential to adversely affect the University’s interests, to compromise objectivity in carrying out University responsibilities, or otherwise to compromise the performance of University responsibilities.
  • 2.7. Employees shall comply with the University’s commitment to equality of opportunity and prohibition against unlawful discrimination.
    ECU recognizes that diversity and respect for human difference within academia is a key source of intellectual vitality and innovative spirit, and that academic freedom is essential to the educational mission. Employees will comply with applicable law and University Policy designed to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, employees, and visitors regardless of their race/ethnicity, color, genetic information, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, political affiliation, or veteran status (including relationship or association with a protected veteran; or Active Duty or National Guard service).
  • 2.8. Employees shall conduct all University business practices with honesty and integrity, in a manner that upholds the University’s reputation as a public institution of higher education that serves the people of North Carolina.
    Employees must adhere to legal and ethical business practices in all University arrangements with outside entities, including service providers, suppliers, and vendors. Employees must ensure, to the full extent of their ability to do so, that the University does not violate laws, regulations, or terms of contracts and grant agreements.

    To the extent it has been entrusted to their control or care, employees must maintain, protect, and be responsible stewards of the property and assets of the University including but not limited to its intellectual property and proprietary information, data, facilities, equipment, supplies, and University funds.
  • 2.9. Employees shall report concerns in good faith and shall not be retaliated against for doing so
    All employees shall promptly report questions, concerns or suspicions about improper conduct reasonably believed to be in violation of applicable federal or state law by other employees or vendors to their direct supervisor or another appropriate ECU office or official. All such questions, concerns or suspicions can also be submitted anonymously by contacting the Office of Internal Audit and Management Advisory Services (https://audit.ecu.edu/). Employees also have various other reporting options, which are published in the references and related policies linked at the beginning of this document. There shall be no retaliation for good-faith reports of potential noncompliance, concerns, or questions, as addressed in the Protection for Reporting Improper Government Activities Regulation.
  • 2.10. Employees shall cooperate with inquiries, audits and investigations.
    All employees shall cooperate with inquiries, audits and investigations performed by the Office of Internal Audit and Management Advisory Services, the North Carolina Office of the State Auditor, or other duly authorized officials, as allowed by law. Pursuant to NCGS § 143-749, “it shall be a Class 2 misdemeanor for any officer, employee, or agent of a State agency subject to the provisions of this Article to willfully make or cause to be made to a State agency internal auditor or the internal auditor’s designated representatives any false, misleading, or unfounded report for the purpose of interfering with the performance of any audit, special review, or investigation or to hinder or obstruct the State agency internal auditor or the internal auditor’s designated representatives in the performance of their duties.”