Gifts Affecting the Curriculum

Updated: April 1, 2010
Gifts Affecting the Curriculum
Fund Raising and Donor Relations
Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

First Issued: April, 2010


Associate Provost, Academic Affairs (252) 328-0607

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The purpose of this regulation is to establish clear and consistent guidelines for the acceptance of gifts that may have a material effect on the curriculum.


  • 2.1 A gift affects the curriculum if it has a material effect on faculty positions, faculty workload assignments, the creation of content, class size or learning resources.
  • 2.2 No gift affecting the curriculum may be accepted on behalf of East Carolina University without the written consent of either: (a) both the vice chancellor for the division within which the subject curriculum is offered and the Vice Chancellor for Advancement, or each of their respective designees, or (b) the Chancellor.
  • 2.3 The following factors shall be considered in determining whether a gift affecting the curriculum should be accepted:
  • 2.3.1 Whether any curricular changes to be brought about by the proposed gift are consistent with institutional goals, mission and values.
  • 2.3.2 The effects of any curricular changes that may occur within the unit.
  • 2.3.3 Whether the gift contains explicit conditions and the nature of the conditions.
  • 2.3.4 Whether acceptance of the gift reflects poorly on the institution’s reputation.
  • 2.4 When a potential gift is determined to likely have a material effect on the curriculum, as per the factors stated in section 2.3, the appropriate dean or director and the chair of the faculty shall be notified, regardless of how the potential gift is initiated.
  • 2.5 The dean or director shall consult with the appropriate curriculum committee, other appropriate unit committees and individual faculty members, as deemed appropriate by the dean or director, in order to ensure that the proposed gift is consistent with unit priorities. One purpose of these consultations is to ensure that faculty have an opportunity to evaluate the academic validity of proposals affecting the curriculum.
  • 2.6 If an individual faculty member or a unit has concerns about the decision to accept or reject a gift, they shall notify the dean or director and the appropriate gifts officer. The gifts officer will then notify the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement. If the concerns persist, the faculty or dean/director will notify the appropriate vice chancellor.
  • 2.7 In the event the concerns persist, the Chancellor will make the final decision and may use any advisory process deemed helpful, including but not limited to, consulting with the Provost, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, and concerned faculty.
  • 2.8 Regardless of how the potential gift is initiated, the procedures set forth in this regulation shall be followed when a potential gift is determined to likely have a material effect on the curriculum, as per the factors stated in section 2.3.