Safety Hazard Investigation

Updated: July 1, 2022
Safety Hazard Investigation
Campus Environment
Environmental Safety
  • Safety Manager, (252) 328-6166
  • Associate Director, (252) 328-6166
  • Associate Vice Chancellor, (252) 328-6166

2000 Placed in University Policy Manual after EXPEDITED REVIEW, transitioned without substantive change from prior version, March 25, 2013. Reviewed July 2022, no changes needed.

Previous Versions:

No previous versions available.

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Purpose: East Carolina University employees are required to report unsafe conditions or practices that they identify. Any harassment, intimidation or disciplinary action against an employee who reports an unsafe condition, practice or action, is prohibited.

2. Responsibilities

  • 2.1. Environmental Health and Safety:
    • 2.1.1. Environmental Health and Safety will serve as a consultative resource and respond to any safety and/or health-related request or complaint.
  • 2.2. Employee:
    • 2.2.1. Each employee will report unsafe conditions or practices to his/her supervisor.
    • 2.2.2. If unable to successfully resolve the issue with the supervisor, the employee should contact Environmental Health and Safety for assistance.
    • 2.2.3. If unable to successfully resolve issue after consultation with Environmental Health and Safety, the employee may contact the North Carolina Department of Labor to request an inspection. The employee has a right to file a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Labor regarding unsafe or unhealthy work conditions at any time, but is encouraged to first attempt resolution through internal channels.
  • 2.3 Supervisors/Department:
    • 2.3.1 Supervisors will review each complaint and take appropriate corrective action.
    • 2.3.2 Supervisors may contact Environmental Health and Safety for assistance.

3. Procedures/Guidelines

  • 3.1 All employees will review their workplace for unsafe conditions, procedures, or actions on an ongoing basis.
  • 3.2 Upon identifying an unsafe condition, procedure or action, the employee will take corrective action. If the employee cannot take corrective action, the employee will contact his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible considering the nature and severity of the unsafe condition, procedure, or action.
  • 3.3 The supervisor will immediately investigate the reported condition, procedure or action. Environmental Health and Safety may be contacted to assist in the investigation.
  • 3.4 A determination will be made by the supervisor if the unsafe condition, procedure, or action identified by the employee is valid. The results of this determination will be documented and the employee advised of the determination.
  • 3.5 For all valid safety concerns, a written record of corrective action will be made by the investigating individual. The Supervisor will communicate this determination and action plan through appropriate administrative channels as may be required to eliminate the unsafe condition, procedure or action.
  • 3.6 If unable to successfully resolve an issue with a supervisor, the employee should contact Environmental Health and Safety for assistance.
  • 3.7 If unable to successfully resolve the issue after consultation with Environmental Health and Safety, the employee may contact the North Carolina Department of Labor to request an inspection. The employee has a right to file a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Labor regarding unsafe or unhealthy work conditions at any time, but is encouraged to first attempt resolution through internal channels.
  • 3.8 Reports of harassing, intimidating or disciplinary action taken against an employee for reporting unsafe conditions, procedures, or actions will be made to Human Resources.
  • 3.9 Persons requesting an investigation by the Environmental Health and Safety Office (or the N.C. Department of Labor) may request confidentiality and, by law, their names will not appear on any record published, released, or made available to the public or to their immediate supervisor or department head.