Dowdy Student Stores General Information

Updated: February 1, 2011
Dowdy Student Stores General Information
Finance, Operations and Auxiliary Services

Director of Dowdy Student Stores, Wright Building, (252) 328-6731,

Additional References:

Revised 2-1-11 from Business Manual last revised 7/1/00.

Previous Versions:

No previous versions available.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to provide general information regarding the operation of the ECU Dowdy Student Stores as stipulated under North Carolina General Statues, and in support of the mission of the university.

2. Operational Requirements

  • 2.1. The Dowdy Student Stores (Student Stores) at East Carolina University is approved in accordance with General Statutes 66-58(c)(3), as amended, to operate in conformity with the following requirements:
    • 2.1.1. Profits from the operation should be used exclusively for awarding scholarships to defray the expenses of students attending the institution;
    • 2.1.2. The allocation of profits shall by made annually by the Dowdy Student Stores to general scholarship aid, athletics grants-in-aid, and medical scholarship aid, as recommended by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (Business Services).
    • 2.1.3. The merchandise sold shall be limited to educational materials and supplies, gift items, and miscellaneous personal-use articles;
    • 2.1.4. Sales are limited to employees of the institution and members of their immediate families, to duly enrolled students and their immediate families, and to other persons who are on campus other than for the purpose of purchasing merchandise from the Dowdy Student Stores;
    • 2.1.5. No discounts below stated shelf prices are to be offered to any individual or classification of persons, with the exception of discounts offered to groups or classifications of persons as part of a promotional event. Discounts are also permitted to University departments that buy in quantity;
    • 2.1.6. The Student Store shall not be used as an agency for special orders of any item at wholesale prices on behalf of any individual buyer;
    • 2.1.7. Audits shall be performed by the state auditor’s office as part of the University’s basic financial statements;
    • 2.1.8. The Dowdy Student Stores operations and merchandising policies shall be managed by the Dowdy Student Stores Director, who is then responsible to the Director of Auxiliary Services and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (Business Services).
    • 2.1.9. Any questions which are not answered herein may be referred to the Director of Dowdy Student Stores.