Purchase of Books

Updated: March 25, 2013
Purchase of Books
Finance, Operations and Auxiliary Services

Director of ECU Dowdy Student Stores, (252) 328-6731. Store email:studentstores@ecu.edu

Related Policies:
Additional References:

Updated Regulation combined from material removed from Faculty Manual and Business Manual; Placed in University Policy Manual after EXPEDITED REVIEW, transitioned without substantive change from prior version, March 25, 2013.

Previous Versions:

No previous versions available.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to regulate the purchasing of books by faculty and university departments.

  • 1.1. It is University requirement for faculty and departments to purchase textbooks and related books through Dowdy Student Stores. Dowdy Student Stores receives special dealer prices from most major publishing houses. (Note: This regulation does not apply to desk copies. See PRR #___ Acquiring a Publisher Complimentary Textbook.)
  • 1.2. Should Dowdy Student Stores be unable to procure a specific textbook or book; or relinquish first right of refusal, faculty member or department must follow appropriate purchasing guidelines established through ECU Materials Management.
  • 1.3. Books purchased with department funds are the property of the University and, thus, must be retained in departmental libraries;
  • 1.4. Personal desk copies shall not be purchased with University funds.