Electronic Records and Document Imaging – Xtender
Updated: February 26, 20251. Introduction and Background
North Carolina General Statutes Chapters 121 and 132 direct the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) to administer records management services to public colleges and universities. NCDNCR fulfils this mandate through the Government Records Section of the State Archives (Government Records) and is the approving authority for records retention and disposition schedules and using document imaging systems for retention purposes. Government Records is responsible for approving a document imaging system that may allow for the destruction of original non-permanent documents one year after digitization in accordance with the University’s records management policies.
2. Document Imaging System
East Carolina University (ECU or University) requires efficient methods of creation, storage and retrieval of records, including the adoption of information technology systems for creating, managing, and storing records in a digital format. ApplicationXtender is a document imaging system chosen by the University for this purpose. Government Records approved the University’s Xtender Electronic Records and Imaging Regulation and Procedures for ApplicationXtender on March 21, 2018 and is reevaluated at a minimum of every three years in accordance with the procedure. This approval allows the University to use ApplicationXtender for digital records surrogacy for retention purposes.
3. Application and Requirements
This regulation applies to all University departments, employees, agents and others with access to or supervisory roles related to University’s ApplicationXtender. Users must adhere to the record and imaging procedures and applicable standards provided by University’s Xtender Electronic Records and Imaging Regulation and Procedures implementing this Regulation. The implementing procedures may be subject to periodic updates. Any such revisions will be conducted in consultation with the Office of University Counsel.