Allocation of Office Space

Updated: November 6, 2023
Allocation of Office Space
Finance, Operations and Auxiliary Services

Approved by Chancellor's Executive Council November 6, 2023.


Associate Director of Space Planning, (252) 737-4347

1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Space is a limited University resource and, consequently, it must be managed responsibly and in a way that promotes the advancement of the University’s mission and strategic priorities. Flexibility needs to be maintained to address changes in function, curricula, programs, and technologies. Accordingly, a comprehensive framework for assignment and management of space, including office space, has been established to achieve best utilization and respond to current and emerging needs. This document provides general guidelines for the allocation of office space to the units within all the divisions on campus. For the purpose of this regulation, “office space” is defined as a room (or rooms) allocated to an employee (or employees in the case of sharing opportunities) in order to support the University’s academic (instructional and research), administrative, and service functions.
  • 1.2. The university adheres to all space request and assignment policies established by the University of North Carolina System Office and by East Carolina University. Final authority for office assignments, approvals, and processes resides with and are at the discretion of the Chancellor. All space allocations and assignments are subject to availability. The space allocation and assignment expectation will be made based on university priorities, reflect responsible space stewardship, and use transparent, consistent, and straightforward methodologies. Any added resources will first be allocated to nondiscretionary space needs and then to discretionary department space needs.

2. Space Allocation Governing Bodies

  • 2.1. University Space Committee (USC): In accordance with REG 07.30.01, the Chancellor delegates authority to the University Space Committee (USC) to approve all allocations of existing university space, while maintaining ultimate authority for the allocation of all university resources.
  • 2.2. Space Allocation Committee (SAC): Is responsible for reviewing all requests for new space, reallocation of current and future space, and/or change in use of space for all campus buildings (with the following exception: student residences which is under the purview of Student Affairs) and providing related recommendations to the USC. The primary focus of the SAC is to consider the space needs of the University and transact space assignment and allocation requests in the context of the mission of the University and its institutional priorities and strategic needs; individual programs, units, and stakeholder groups; and the campus community. The SAC is responsible for overseeing trends and efficiency metrics associated with campus space scheduling and usage. To assist in addressing competing and conflicting space demands, a series of space allocation guiding principles are provided in Section 3 of this Regulation.

3. Principles

  • 3.1. Faculty and staff office space, like all space, is University property that will be allocated to a given unit, as available, in a manner that best advances University priorities. No unit “owns” the allocated space; therefore, allocated space can be reassigned to another unit in response to the University’s needs and priorities.
  • 3.2. Office space, like all University resources, should be deployed in the most efficient and effective manner to best serve programmatic and strategic goals. Shared office and open office arrangements are encouraged to increase efficiencies.
  • 3.3. Responsibility for assignment and reassignment of office space will follow divisional hierarchy. Each unit should manage its office space needs within the space allocated. Unit heads (deans, chairs, directors, department heads, etc.) have the responsibility to address office space needs within their respective units and it is their responsibility to know the process for submitting a campus space request. Contact Institutional Planning, Assessment, and Research (IPAR) for current campus space request procedures. The campus space request form can be found under the Additional References section of this PRR or on the IPAR website under the “Requests” tab.
  • 3.4. Unoccupied office space due to relocation or downsizing reverts to the university space inventory. A decision as to occupancy of the vacated space will be reviewed by the USC to maximize efficiencies in line with the strategic direction of the University.
  • 3.5. As a rule, offices in campus facilities funded by auxiliary sources – most notably student fees – shall be given usage priority by those designated funding sources and constituencies.

4. Guidelines for Allocation of Office Space

  • 4.1. In general, the office space allocation priorities are as follows:
    • 4.1.1. Tenured, tenure-track, full time non-tenure track and research faculty and unit full-time staff requiring a high level of privacy for working on confidential matters or meeting with students, staff and others are granted a private office.
    • 4.1.2. Active adjunct, visiting and part-time faculty and unit part-time staff represented by a .65 FTE and higher may be granted a private office, if the assignment is for .65 FTE and under, a shared office allocation should be assigned.
  • 4.2. Offices may be private, shared, open, or in cubicles as appropriate and available and will be assigned based on need, availability, and suitability. In cases where ADA accommodations are necessary, consultation with the ADA Coordinator in alignment with REG05.25.05, “ADA Compliance and Reasonable Accommodations for Students, Employee, Applicants and Visitors – Interim” is required.
  • 4.3. Assignment of multiple offices for faculty and staff is not allowed unless there is a demonstrated need. Under such circumstances, a faculty or staff member may be assigned a secondary office (ideally in a shared arrangement), provided it is not located in the same building as the primary office. All decisions related to multiple offices will be made on a case-by-case basis and require the approval of the appropriate Vice Chancellor or Dean, as applicable based on the requestor, in consultation with the University Space Committee.
  • 4.4. Post-doctoral scholars, graduate students and part-time faculty and staff are typically assigned office space in a shared office arrangement; or an exception may be warranted for a private office should the assignment follow the FTE criteria outlined in 4.1.2.
  • 4.5. Emeritus/retired faculty and staff may be provided shared offices, if space is available within a unit, if they remain engaged in unit activities. These shared offices are intended to allow an individual to maintain contact with the unit, discipline, and colleagues. An emeritus/retired faculty or staff member actively engaged in teaching or research may retain a private office if serving in a leadership capacity.
    • 4.5.1. Emeritus/retired faculty members, teaching online courses only, are not to have a private office. A shared office may be provided if space is available.
  • 4.6. Assignment of private office space for any employee that has an approved Alternate Work Location schedule of 60% or greater is not allowed (i.e. Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement on file with the Human Resources Offices where three or more days of a typical work week occur at the employee’s alternate work location). If the Unit Head deems that an office is needed, approval from the appropriate Division Vice Chancellor is required.
    • 4.6.1. Shared office space will be allocated to an employee needing office space for those days when an employee is observing on-campus work arrangements outlined in their Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement, (i.e., when 40% or less of a typical work week is on-campus).
  • 4.7. Each unit should ensure that all offices are occupied. When offices are left unoccupied and/or underutilized for a period longer than six months, the unit may be required to provide a justification for maintaining use of the space.
  • 4.8. When possible, if units desire to consolidate their space assignments for reasons of academic interaction and administrative efficiency, a feasibility study will be conducted by Campus Space Planning. When available, contiguous spaces will be provided; however, proximity cannot be guaranteed depending upon the space and financial resources available at any given time.
  • 4.9. Periodic evaluation of office space allocation should be made by the unit head to ensure that all office space is being used to maximum functionality and efficiency. In addition, Campus Space Planning will perform space audits to confirm efficiencies of use. Space audits are done on an annual rotation; however, impromptu space audits can occur should the need arise.
    • 4.9.1. If a space audit reveals questions as to efficiency of use, the unit head will be notified in writing; it will be the unit head’s responsibility to provide written justification as to the need for continued allocation.
  • 4.10. To support an accurate and complete record of space allocations, units will verify office allocations to Campus Space Planning via the work order system, when personnel occupy or vacate an office.
    • 4.10.1. ECU employees should maintain accurate contact information in the ECU system of record (i.e. Banner Self Service). This provides accurate employee location and contact information in the event of emergency.
  • 4.11. Office space may not be assigned to non-campus organizations without prior approval from the appropriate division head. Non-campus organizations for the purpose of this regulation are defined as entities in which legal affiliation with the University is unfounded.